vrijdag 31 augustus 2012

What will it be....

.....Further down I will post in English...

Hallo lieve mensen die mij gevolgd hebben in mijn creatieve jaar.

In het nieuwe project ga ik door met mijn freestyle zentangles, maar ik voeg kleur toe....
Te volgen op: 365freestylecolorzentangles.blogspot.com

Laten jullie me weten wat jullie van dat idee vinden?

De evaluatie van het afgelopen jaar heb ik in een brief geschreven, ......

Nogmaals dank allemaal, ik heb genoten van al jullie reacties en hoop jullie weer te zien in mijn nieuwe blog....

Hello dear people who have followed me in my creative year. 
In the new project, I continue my freestyle Zentangles, but I add color ....
I would love to hear what you think of that idea..
Below you can read the letter you see above, it is a review of the past year  but there is no freestyle zentangle on it...

A year long every day drawing, photography, post, now I know what it is.
A year ago, while surfing through the Internet I suddenly saw Noah Scalin with his scull a day project and immediately thought, how would that be, doing something every day something and also allow others to see?
And I spontaneously thought, that I'll try and so I began to think what I would like to do a whole year, much has crossed y mind, but eventually choose freestyle Zentangles, I thought and still think it is a real challenge and am very surprised that I am able to draw something different each day, because I sit down and "just" draw, I do not think about it, because if I try nothing happens.. So I just let go and draw and see what comes out. Very clear to see, I think, what mood, having much or little time play
ing in the drawings, even I see a clear difference in the drawings from the early days of the year and what I draw now. That inspires me to draw more 365 freestyle Zentangles, because I find it fascinating to see what comes out.
Now I know what it is to draw even if you are not in the mood, for example, when someone dear to you is sick or dies or you feel not that good yourself, how do you cope, actually, you are aware in advance that in a year a lot can and will happen, but what do you do?
I continued, though it was sometimes very hard ..
My three fellow creatives I've also asked to participate and all were enthusiastic are all somewhere in this year dropped out, unfortunately, because they shared fun creative things with us.
What has it brought me?
Soon I got the offer of designing a CD cover, which was an exciting and surprising range!
A 365 group on Facebook: 365ers-2012 has asked me to join.
Designing the inside of a wedding-card and the envelope. And on the painting, which was the starting point of the wedding card, is my drawing too.
Many reactions and comments I have received, sometimes unexpected, very nice to hear and read that people enjoy what I draw and I still seem to have a number of regular fans, the statistics of my blog shows that I have followers all over the world, for example, United States, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Norway, Chile and England, surprisingly but fun! ;-)
Thank you dear ones for all your responses, in any form, I really enjoyed it!
And hope you will "go" to the new project with me.
I will go on with my freestyle zentangles but add color to it.
Please tell me what you think of the idea.
See you there ....
Warm-creative-freestyle zentangle-greetings-from-me, Yvonne

donderdag 30 augustus 2012

Freestyle zentangle 365...

365. 30-8-2012

Door het schrikkeljaar heb ik een dagje extra, nou ja, niet alleen ik natuurlijk ;-) jullie ook en vandaar morgen nog een extra-tje...
Dan vertel ik ook wat het nieuwe project gaat worden....

Weil es ein Schaltjahr ist bekomme ich einen Tag extra, gut, nicht nur für mich natürlich ;-) Ihr auch und darum Morgen einen kleinen extra Wurst ...
Dann sage ich auch was das neue Projekt wird ....

Because of the leap year I got a day extra, well, not just me of course ;-) you also and so tomorrow there will be some extras ...
Then also I tell what the new project will be ....